Sunday, June 22, 2014

Physix in Images 2013-2014

First: I apologize for the lack of activity in my blog.

Second: There were precious moments in Physics (3 sections) & Astronomy (new section) and I thought instead of blabbering about them I should just let some pictures convey the extent of the fun as well as learning.

The Smiles of Pride! :-)
Tip of the Hat to Sir Isaac Newton!
When Physix meets Art; only Coolism ensues! :-)
A Cool Student PhysArt Project
Nothing beats the connectedness between Physix concepts!
Mechanical Systems (spring/mass) in Series/Parallel to contrast with Electrical Systems In Series/Parallel
Students love it when Experts present their work!
Dr. Brian McNamara discusses his work on Supermassive Black Holes & Exploding Galaxies!
Star Gazing Extravaganza wraps up a Cool First Year of Astronomy, look at the wide smiles! :-)
Optics meets Art! Backyard of our classroom with the Physix room acting as a Camera Obscura!
iPad used to generate Motion Diagrams. How cool is that?
Physix of Motion meets Art! iPad used to generate the corresponding Motion Diagram.
Testing Hypotheses about Combinations of Human Electric Generators (Take I)
Testing Hypotheses about Combinations of Human Electric Generators (Take II)
Taking the concept of Combinations of Human Electric Generators to its Ultimate Finale!
Students getting close & personal with Optics, Lens Equation Lab!
Physix meets Art, slide from a student's project presentation!
Physix meets Art (refer to previous image!)
Astronomy Lab on Plasma & Light Spectra, Sweet! :-)
Astronomy class experiencing Motion Diagrams (look closely to see the blue dots!)

Third: I hope the above excite you to share your own cool images from last year of Physics or Astronomy.

Thank you for taking the time to view/read the post and I hope you would be kind to leave some comments.

Thank you and take great care! :-)

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